Kinesiology 4482A/B Final: Response Conflict Studies

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Studies show us how response conflict exists; anytime you have 2 different response urges, it will slow you down. Study 1: subject sits down and looks at the computer screen and they have 2 responses; green tria(cid:374)gle: it (cid:272)ould sho(cid:449) up as a sti(cid:373)ulus, (cid:271)ut (cid:455)ou did(cid:374)"t ha(cid:448)e to respo(cid:374)se to it. You were also to respond to the first stimulus presented; the triangle stimulus never appeared as the first stimulus; So after responding to the first stimulus, they do nothing when the second stimulus comes on (irrelevant) The second stimulus came on before the subject responded to the first one stimulus. Automatic processing: one property of automation is the inability to prevent unwanted to processing: low attention demands. As the confidence of your prediction goes up, if the prediction is wrong, the longer is the inhibition of that response prediction.