Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Unrwa, International Labour Organization, United Nations Conciliation Commission

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6 Oct 2018

Document Summary

The international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights 1966. This is the counterpart of the other covenant. This second covenant does impose binding legal obligations on the parties to it. Reports of the commission are not binding in law and there is no enforcement mechanism. States are under an obligation to submit reports every five years to the committee on. Economic, social and cultural rights (cescr), effectively a body of 18 members operating under the auspices of the un"s economic and social council. Covenant, the examination of these reports is often a political rather than a legal exercise. In consequence, the enforcement machinery is not likely to discover any serious breaches of the covenant. In 1948, ecosoc made a significant contribution to the development of human rights law by establishing the human rights commission. This commission is primarily a political body rather than a judicial body. It does have jurisdiction to investigate allegations of widespread violations of human rights.