Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Biological Passport, Clenbuterol, National Anti-Doping Agency

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

He"s a successful international cyclist and participates in the 2010 tour de france. He renders a urine doping test on july 2010 he is tested positive, but he denies that he intentionally used clenbuterol. They then took further tests where they found a (very) low amount of clenbuterol. The spanish national anti- doping organisation acquitted him because they said that there is a high probability that the source of clenbuterol could be of contaminated meat, and that"s also what alberto said himself from the beginning. The national anti-doping organisation also said that it"s impossible for alberto to bring proof of the contaminated meat. They also said that the concentration of clenbuterol in his samples were so law that they"re unlikely to enhance sports performance. They also said that all previous tests had been negative, and no blood transfusion was traced in the athlete"s biological passport.