Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Comecon, Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development, European Economic Community

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Soviet union-led council for mutual economic assistance (comecon) Early history and overview of the law of europe. Initiatives for european cooperation: the eu resulted from a series of events initiated by. Wwii and the transformations of earlier organizations, such as: Schuman initiative-started in 1950 by french foreign minister robert schuman, Franco-german production of coal and steel was to be placed under a common high. Authority in an organization open to the participation of the other european countries. This initiative was to prevent war between france and germany. This led to the ecsc and later the creation of the eec. Spillover effect - when applied to european cooperation, cooperation in the performance of one function "spills over" into the cooperation in the performance of other functions. Functional method of integretion - the idea that full integration would be the outcome of spillover from integration for one or more limited state functions. The development of the eu started with the ecsc.