Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Employment Contract, Market Economy, Regressive Tax

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Contract for sales of goods seller needs to deliver the god and the buyer undertakes to pa the price: e. g. In civil law tradition, contract law seen as part of private law (rules and principles that deals with relationship between private actors like individuals and companies) Obligations" = term that a (usually) enforceable duty exists of one person vis- -vis another person or several other persons. In bilateral contract, usually 2 obligations (i. e. buyer to pay price and seller to deliver good) A contract is the most importance example of a juridical act (i. e. legal transaction) Contract law governed by four principles: freedom of contract. Idea that each individual should be allowed the autonomy to make the choices they desire: choice of contents, freedom to contract at all, freedom to choose the other party, essential part of liberal politics of laissez-faire, general conditions: