Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, Peremptory Norm

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16 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Enforcement intern. law: - for enforcement it is still dependent on states and on domestic institutions. Icj relies on willingness of states to comply with its judgments coalition of the willing: - group of states willing to make their armed forces available. Cc may issue arrest warrants against anyone suspected committed intern. crimes (court relies on domestic institutions that are walling to carry out the arrest) Development intern. law: - development arises under pressure from public opinion. Un has succeeded until now to prevent the outbreak of war + managed to maintain universality of membership. Intern. courts and tribunals are in no hierarchical relationship to each other. Trends in the development on international law intern. law: - non- state actors, individuals have more impact. Aimed to protect the interests of states. There is rise of intern. ius cogens. From prohibition of interference in internal affairs to. Un charter: - prohibits interference in internal affairs = element of traditional intern. law.