Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Erga Omnes, Fee Simple, Mandatory Referendum

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2 Jul 2020

Document Summary

State power established: law and state: strongly connected to each other as state creates most of law and because state itself is regulated by law, sources of constitutional law: constitution, basic law, charter, regulation of state, entrenchment. Sovereignty: internal sovereignty: the people, secession, external sovereignty: degrees of statehood, recognition, national states, the eu a nation-state: the eu a nation-state, globalisation and international integration: globalization, environment, human rights, voluntarism, power differences. State power constrained: absolutism, limitations on state power, territorial division of state power: unitary states, federations, confederations, functional division of state power: trias politica 1. The creation of general legal rules by means of legislation, 2. the practical implementation and execution of these rules (administration), 3. That the government is installed to rule the people because it is in the interest of the people to have a government in the first place, 2.