Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Neurology, Collective Behavior, Social Forces

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2 Jul 2020

Document Summary

A political history of the dutch reform of 1976: digressive progression. Dutch groups favoring decriminalization were more fortunate than germans due to a political situation that allowed the progressives to take the offensive and not get caught trying to outdo the moral conservatives. 1968, a conservative state secretary of health adopted a committee to investigate better ways of detecting and approaching users and dealers of illegal drugs, instructed to publicize the dangers of drug use. 1970: succeded by a neurologist who favored legal reform. He included sociologists with knowledge about the dutch drug scene. 1972: when they delivered their report to the government, its recommendations diverged considerably from the original intentions of the conservative state secretary. The important part of the report claimed that it is fundamental to distinguish drugs which carry an unacceptable risk in the social sense, and those whose risks are doubtful or acceptable. 1972 (later): socialist victory prospects for implementation improved.