Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Coroner, Victims Family, Metropolitan Police Authority

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2 Jul 2020

Document Summary

The existence and application of strategies for the prevention recording, investigation and prosecution of racist incidents; Measures to encourage reporting of racist incidents; The number of recorded racist incidents and related detection levels; The degree of multi-agency cooperation and information exchange; Achieving equal satisfaction levels across all ethnic groups in public satisfaction surveys; The adequacy of provision and training of family and witness/victim liaison officers; The nature, extent and achievement of racism awareness training. The policy directives governing stop and search procedures and their outcomes; levels of recruitment, retention and progress of minority ethnic recruits; and levels of complaint of racist behaviour or attitude and their outcomes. The inspection to include examination of current undetected. They should be disclosed to complainants, subject only to the. Both must be reported, recorded and investigated with equal commitment: that this definition should be universally adopted by the police, local government and other relevant agencies.