Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Side Effect, Actus Reus, Legal Certainty

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2 Jul 2020

Document Summary

In modern societies, law is most often associated with crimes and punishment. The many popular crime series on television are an answer to man s fascination of the phenomenon of criminal acts. However, in reality, crimes are after police investigations the business of judiciary. What are the nuances within the state of being. This summary presents the answers to those questions provided by substantive criminal law: the nature and function of criminal law. Originally, criminal law serves the maintenance of security of the people in society. The state protects the citizens from crime and acts legitimised by criminal law. By protecting and safeguarding its people, the state preserves social order, thus orders the lives of its citizens. Historically speaking, the first evidences of criminal law can be found in babylonian law, the roman twelve tables as well as moses ten.