Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ronald Dworkin, Mischief Rule, Procedural Law

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2 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Procedures for solving legal conflicts (procedural law), 2. Procedures for creating new law and for modifying and derogating existing law, 3. Hard cases and gaps in the law: hard cases, discretion, ronald dworkin, one right answer, reason instead of pedigree. Law as a practical reasoning: robert alexy, law"s claim to correctness: the correct outcome of a legal argument must always be a reasonable outcome, hart vs. alexy, law as a social phenomenon, law as practical reason. Rodriguez iglesias, president, c. gulmann and h. ragnemalm (rapporteur) (president of. Chambers), g. f. mancini, j. c. moitinho de almeida, etc. Mr. kohll, a luxembourg national, requested his insurance to pay for the treatment for his daughter, who is a minor, receiving from an orthodontist established in germany. Reason: treatment is not urgent & can be provided in luxembourg. The national court asked the ecj for help on the questions arising from this case. Reason: article 60 of the luxembourg code des assurances socials.