Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Europeanisation, Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd V Wednesbury Corp, Equal Footing

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Allow beneficiary to exercise freedom beyond country and without host having to give consent; High level of harmonisation needed: joint decisions. Composite procedure which all state admin involved participate with co- decisional role; Cooperation mechanisms: examination of request and documents presented at national level, multilateral phase admin affected called to express agreement, in absence of opposition grant of authorisation; if yes referred to. Any of states can initiate revision procedure: authorisation subject to recognition. 2 or more interconnected authorisation issued in legal system of each ms: measure 1 only legal effects in home country, measure 2 effects to be produced in host country; Recognition by 2nd state transnational effects host admin limited to looking at results of examination only determine effects in legal system; Home admin makes most of analyses and job: mutual recognition in parallel. Checks and controls carried out by individual national admin and other national authorities issue single authorisation whose effectiveness limited to own territory;