Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Single Supervisory Mechanism, Declaratory Judgment, Part Of Speech

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Right to privilege and self-incrimination: legal and professional privilege: Competition cases conditions: covers all written communications exchanged after initiation of admin procedure which can lead to decision; Also internal notes and preparatory documents: independence of lawyer: limited restriction of professional privilege to any lawyer entitled to practice profession in one ms; When not allowed to see documents must still show that fulfil conditions of being granted legal protection; Right of information concerning decisions and access to documents: access to files. Person directly or indirectly affected by measures; If documents not made available not allowed to be used: general rights of access to documents. Mixed administration: shared administration ms and eu have distinct but interdependent tasks which must both be discharged for eu policy to be implemented successfully; Borelli case limited review of commission decision + opinion of ms controlled by national courts and not eu; Single supervisory mechanism ecb exclusively competent to supervision of credit institutions;