Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Relevant Market, European Union Competition Law, Chiquita Brands International

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Introduction - relevance of the case united brands case. Relevance of the case united brands case: competition is sth that can only be discussed within a particular setting, e. g. book publisher of greek mythology cannot compete with a book publisher of. 3(3) teu establishment of internal market; high competitive social market economy; 26(2) teu no explicit reference to competitiveness; 2 concepts: integrated market and integrated competition policy: art. 119(1) tfeu open market economy with free competition: art. 120 tfeu free competition: protocol 27 (not part of the treaty itself) juncto art. 51 teu legal status of the protocols to the treaties (= integral part) 288 tfeu implementation: regulations (most favourable instrument, directives (less used, decisions, recommendations (not binding but can help in the implementation of particular sections) Provisions for overall areas (ratione materiae of eu competition law: basic provision: art. 101 tfeu; regulations; less likely: directives: art. 102 tfeu: no treaty basis; secondary: merger control regulation, art.