Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Labour Power

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Karl marx (cid:498)the ruling class and ruling ideologies(cid:499) Ideology (the ruling class and the ruling ideas: how do they continue the dominant ideology? (57) disposal, consequently also controls the means of mental. In the german ideology, marx began to define his notion of ideology as (cid:494)ruling class ideas(cid:495) (cid:498)the class which has the means of material production at its production(cid:499) (cid:523)5(cid:889)(cid:524) Ideology represents the interests of one group as if they were the interests of us all. Ideology is not the product of individual consciousness or intention; like language, it is a system into which we are born, and like language, it constructs what we know, believe, do and say. It is on the scene before we get here and constructs who and what we become: the economy determines the form the ideology is going to take. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their material existence, but existence, but their social existence that determines their.