Management and Organizational Studies 1023A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Stock Split, Debenture, Capital Market

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MOS 1023A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1023A/B Full Course Notes
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Final exam review questions (solutions at end of document) Financial restatements are a major factor in eroding investor confidence and public trust in public financial information: true, false, the bootstrapping period usually lasts about five years, true, false. If an option is deemed to be out of the money" the holder should not exercise them: true, false. 4 an example of intermediation is the accumulation and lending of savings by depository institutions: true, false. Although stock splits do not add any value to the firm, investors tend to react positively to stock splits because management isn"t likely to initiate a stock split if the firm"s prospects are poor. B false: individual-based incentives relate to personal integrity and are the primary driver of ethical behaviour, true, false. Subordinate debentures are bonds whose claims come behind the claims of those holding debenture bonds: true, false, angel investors are investors who come to the rescue of firms threatened by takeovers, true, false.