Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Security Interest, Secured Creditor, Insider Trading

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Sample questions final exam - mos 2275. Bob has borrowed ,000 from the bank, as well as ,000 from his friend joe. Bob signed a security agreement in favour of the bank, in which bob agreed to give the bank a security interest in his car. Bob also told joe that he would give him a security interest in the same car, but nothing was put down on paper. Bob has failed to repay the bank loan and the bank is now attempting to seize bob"s car. Joe will get the car only if he registered his security interest. Abc limited has assets with a market value of ,000, and the anticipated costs of selling those assets is approximately ,000. John is one of the unsecured creditors and is owed ,000. How much can john expect to receive: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Alice and sam want to be partners for the purposes of carrying on a business.