Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Private Law, Estoppel

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Business law a set of established rules governing commercial relationships, including the enforcement rights. Law set of rules and principles guiding conduct in society. Breach of contract failure to comply with a contractual promise. Contract law rules that make agreements binding and therefore facilitate planning and the enforcement of expectations. Litigation the process involve when one person sues another. Mediation a process through which the parties to a dispute. Civil law is based on a comprehensive code. Common law is based on previously decided cases: (e. g. quebec, parts of europe, (e. g. canada, u. k. , u. s. , australia) Executive: creates law in form of statutes and regulation, formulates and implements law. Constitution: the supreme of canada that constrains and controls how the branches of government exercise power. Common law/case law: rules that are formulated in judgements, end product of disputes that come before the judiciary, precedent using a previous case to resolve a current case based on similarity.