Media, Information and Technoculture 2100F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Affirmative Action, High Standard Manufacturing Company, Canadian Content

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In nearly all capitalist countries the state influences cultural industries by: laws, copyright, obscenity, privacy, regulation, oversight over how much of media any one corporation controls, subsidies, security and war, surveillance. Regulation: describes all sorts of state intervention in media sphere: bundles all the different types of state involvement in media. The privatization of services which had been previously carried by a public broadcasting corporation: ex. Gov. taking hockey night in canada from cbc and giving it to rogers, a. By historical period: each of these changes between extremes have been brought about by major economic crises, the long downturn, encouraged the swing to neoliberalism, wall street crash, set the scene for the overturning of the neoliberal regime. National cultural industries terms of employment: many countries introduce (cid:494)affirmative action(cid:495) programs for nationally produced, especially in light of the expansion of us culture industry cultural artifacts produced.