Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Semiotics

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Ferdinand de saussure (cid:498)nature of the linguistic sign(cid:499) Not according to rule, random, chance another sign in the language. The meaning of one signifier derives from the fact that it is not signified: saussure assumes a neat, one to one relation between the signifier and the. Nature and history: the relationship between the signifier and the signified is not natural, there is nothing inevitable about it. Started the movement of semiology and structuralism. Sign = signifier (form linked to an idea) + signified (idea/concept linked to signifier) Signifiers are distinct from their material manifestation. The meaning of any one signifier within the system of a given language derives from the fact that it is not another sign in the language. Ideas actually come from the system of language itself, not from the users of that system. Langue (elements that make up a system of language) vs. parole (what users do with that system: saussure wants to study langue, not parole.