Media, Information and Technoculture 3000A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Observational Error, Content Analysis, Construct Validity

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The objective, systematic and quantitative description of the manifest content of communications. Not only descriptive can be used to test hypothesis or theories. Qualitative research uses smaller samples of subjects or respondents. Because of smaller sample size, results from qualitative research could not be generalized to the population from which the samples were drawn. Popular with mass media researchers an efficient way to investigate the content of the media. Systematic procedure devised the examine the content of recorded information. Systematic the content to be applied is selected according to explicit and consistently applied rules: all content must be treated in exactly the same way, uniformity in coding, analysis procedures etc. Objective researchers personal idiosyncrasies and biases should not enter into the findings: analysis should yield the same results if another researcher replicates the study, **perfect objectivity seldom reached in a content analysis.