Nursing 1060A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Health Professional, Global Health, Physical Therapy

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Rn"s ranked highest profession for honesty and ethics. Public seek rn advice in: self-care, otc healthcare products, admin of prescription drugs, and interpreting md-provided info. To be able to be a life long learner, knowledge is always developing. They set the standards for practice and provide us with information about how to provide safe and ethical care. Their mandate is to protect the public by making sure we have standards that guide us in terms of our practice. Requirement that in order to practice in ontario, you have to be registered with. Cno, once when you complete the program, and annually with evidence of reflection, and pay the fee annually. There in essence to protect the public. Different from cno which established the standards of practice in so far as this is the organization that represents nurses professionally. One of their biggest accomplishment is development of best practice guidelines. Accomplishes what cno does at a national level.