Nursing 4320A/B Final: full readings

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From textbook: introduction to nursing law and ethics. Before the nursing was regulated, nurses did not have to concern themselves with the legalities of the profession. There was an absolute faith in the medical system. However, even in early nursing schools, the study of ethics was deemed fundamental to the training of nurses. The major challenges faced at that time related primarily to: Behaving appropriately in the new healthcare environment (primarily hospitals at that time) Recognizi(cid:374)g o(cid:374)e"s o(cid:449)(cid:374) faults, (cid:271)iases, a(cid:374)d pe(cid:396)so(cid:374)alit(cid:455) t(cid:396)aits. Understanding the repercussions of misconduct, disloyalty, insubordination, and so on. Loyalty to the physician used to be a key component. Nurses were also encouraged to stay quiet and simply do as they were told. Today, nurses are expected to think critically, to offer evidence-informed solutions, and to respectfully challenge physicians or other healthcare professionals when they have concerns about the treatment plans of patients.