Philosophy 2080 Study Guide - Antisemitism

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American law comes from the first amendment. United states: freedom of expression covers private activity as well as government action. Canada: charter litigation winning the authority or the actions of government entity and government agencies. Disputes between private parties = does not have anything to do with freedom of expression. But in united states, it covers privately as well. Glenn beck: american conservative: right wing view: 2005 i think i can kill michael moore gave people ideas to kill/shoot michael. You can probably sue him: controversial did he really cause those people to attempt to kill him, freedom of speech in america is much more of a robust concept. In america, church and state is two different thing. Freedom of speech cases: section 2 of charter of rights and freedom. Section 319 (3) of criminal code of canada: if you can prove what you said is true, you cannot be charged. Section (11) of charter: right to be presumed innocent.