Philosophy 2080 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fundamental Breach, Contract, Specific Performance

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Sample exam questions: fried is charles/chuck- answer is: c. We invoke morality: answer is: b. A and c mean the same thing. Actions of the individual person: answer is: b. Communication goes one way and one way only: answer is: c. We only talked about the appeal: answer is: d. A is incorrect because burned down the plaintiff*"s factory: answer is: c. A means the thing speaks for itself (not contract law) B - we never spoke about this. C- what exists on the world is more : answer is: d. Ridiculous arguments, but they were all made: answer is: a. C is what the appeal court says. Need to know the difference between trial and appeal court: answer is: d. Repudiated means withdraw- change mind and withdraw from deal. Court stated they did not administer a test: answer is: c. Sometimes longer is correct, sometime it is not.