Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Brian Barry, Edmund Burke, Classical Liberalism

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Overview of the topics covered: ideology, ideologies, liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism, feminism, ecology, religious fundamentalism, multiculturalism, ideology- a value neutral definition: a set of ideas that provide the basis for organized political action. 3 parts of any ideology: a worldview of the existing reality or order, a vision of how society should b, a plan for political change. It explains what is, what should be, and how it can become. Ideologies are often placed on scale from left to right. The differences are 3: values, human nature, state intervention. Values: left: liberty, equality, community, right: order, authority, hierarchy. Human nature: left: optimism, social progress, right: pessimism, skeptic of social change. State intervention: left: regulated economy, right: unregulated economy. 3 dimensions to ideologies: economic, social, constitutional, liberalism. No religious dogma can be held with certainty. Every doctrine should be open to scrutiny. Inequality is an invention: we(cid:859)(cid:396)e all (cid:373)o(cid:396)all(cid:455) e(cid:395)ual, religions toleration, free press, get rid of social status.