Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Gender Pay Gap, Justice As Fairness, Cosmopolitanism

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Power can take several forms(ie. carrot, stick, get others to do what you want, propaganda, Imagine life without the state and political power. Powerful state is needed to avoid disastrous interpersonal con ict. Fundamental law: seek peace, if you can get it. Second law: lay down natural right, if others do too. Some lack power to enforce law of nature. Pity or compassion for the suffering of others. How change happes in the state of nature. Why society cannot be just or unjust: actions, intentions, agency. Why redistributing wealth in the name of social justice would be wrong anyway: liberty, ef ciency. The cot of producing these goods is externalized. The original position (op) - with the veil of ignorance models impartiality and equality of concern. What principles would be chosen in the original position: principle of greatest equal liberties. Conventional view: people deserve their earnings, even though their skills are due to factors beyond their control (i. e. luck)