Political Science 3324F/G- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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P o l i t i c a l s c i e n c e 3 3 2 4 f / g. Interpretivism as an epistemology: contrasts to positivism and the approach of linking social with natural sciences, looking for su(cid:271)je(cid:272)tive (cid:373)ea(cid:374)i(cid:374)gs of people"s a(cid:272)tio(cid:374)s. Is there a universal truth of what exists: objectivists believe there is a social reality, there are things we know to be true and real, subjectivists/constructivists believe that there are no facts, just interpretations. Interpretations of reality vary from person to person. Longitudinal looking at same respondents over a time series: quantitative survey research on more than one occasion (cohort studies) Adam khimji: qualitative ethnographic research over a long period, qualitative interviewing on more than one occasion, content analysis relating to different points in time. Interpret the results i. e. is hypothesis supported, do findings support theory: write up findings, feedback loop once published new theory can emerge, constant loop (somewhat inductive)