Political Science 3334E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Obiter Dictum, Greater Manchester Police, London Fire Brigade

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It owes a general law duty to provide services in the case of emergency. *kent v griffiths 2001, obiter: key point made in this case by lord. Woolfe was that where a fire breaks out, the fb is seeking to prevent the spread of fire aswell and it is the responsibility of the. Fb to prevent the spread of fire which means they a general law duty to everyone and a common law duty to no one. Capital and counties, re the second (london fire brigade) and third appeals. Sherrat v cc of greater manchester police 2018. *no duty of care is generated, over and above the general public. No duty of care was owed to joanna michael who was stabbed to death during her second 999 call. The c, was brought against the police under the caparo test and under assumption of responsibility of the ??? test.