Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Genetic Linkage, Y Chromosome, Human Genome Project

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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Half of all genes target brain structure and function. Mendel: heredity involves passing on specific organic factors: offspring of one set of parents do not all inherit the same traits. Genotype: specific genetic makeup of an individual (never changes) Phenotype: observable characteristics produced by the genotype (can be affected by other genes or the environment) Chromosome: tightly coiled molecule of dna that is partly covered by protein. Sex cells: egg or sperm that are haploid. Alleles: alternate forms of a gene that produce different characteristics. Human genome project (1990: genetic map published in 2001, humans have 25 000 genes. Gives humans potential control over processes of heredity and evolution (has many ethical and moral issues) Recombinant dna procedures: inserts pieces of dna from one organism into another: produced growth hormone. Knockout procedure: alter a specific gene to prevent it from carrying out its normal function: one must be careful interpreting outcomes because: