Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuroglia, Jerky, Hindbrain

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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Neurons: basic building blocks of nervous system, linked together in circuits, we are born with 100 billion neurons. Parts: cell body/soma: biochemical structures that keep neuron alive, nucleus: carries genetic info that determines how the cell develops/functions, dendrites: collect messages from neighboring neurons and send them to cell body. Can receive input from over 1000 neurons: axon: conducts electrical impulses from cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands. 1 neuron can pass messages to 50 000 others: glial cells: support neuron function. Hold them in place, make food, absorb toxins. Form myelin sheath: electrically insulating sections that facilitates transmission of impulses. Form blood-brain barrier: prevents substances from entering the brain. Blood vessels in brain have smaller gaps and covered by glial cells: nodes of ranvier: gaps between myelin sheath (where signals recharge) Shapes: motor: multipolar, efferent (away from cns) Interneuron: bipolar, relay stations: sensory: unipolar, afferent (towards cns)