Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visual Cortex, Subliminal Stimuli, Absolute Threshold

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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Synesthesia: mixing of the senses; experiencing colours as touch or having different shapes. Transduction: process of translating information via sensory receptors into language of nerve impulses. Feature detectors: breakdown and analyze the specific features of the stimuli. Binding problem: sensations and perception blend together so completely that they are difficult to separate. Sensation: the stimulus-detection process that our sense organs respond to & translate stimuli into nerve impulses (that are sent to the brain). Perception: making sense" of what our senses tell us the active process of organizing this stimulus input and giving it meaning. One"s interpretation, or perception, is influenced by their context: can be interpreted differently depending on creativity. Transduction: the process whereby the characteristics of a stimulus are converted into nerve impulses. 5 senses: vision, audition (hearing, touch: pain, temperature, pressure, gustation (taste, olfaction (smell) The absolute threshold: the lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected correctly.