Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ernest Hilgard, Depth Perception, External Validity

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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Nurture: language development and speech recognition through interaction. The scientific method: all beliefs might be wrong, therefore they must be viewed as hypotheses. Includes four steps: choosing a question that needs to be answered, formulating a hypothesis regarding the question, developing a method for testing the hypothesis, using data yielded by the method to draw a conclusion. Importance of the measurement: must be reliable and valid, directly relevant for the hypothesis. Reliability: degree to which the measurements are consistent (same results) Interrater reliability: how much agreement among different observers. Test-retest reliability: measurement of a performance on the same test (same conditions) are similar on two or more occasions. Validity: degree to which the experiment measures what it is intended to measure. Internal validity: whether observed objects are due to the conditions. Structured interview: goal is to collect self-reports on the same topic from everyone being studied, ask many children the same question.