Psychology 2043A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Helen Keller, Paul Broca, Carl Wernicke

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Broca"s area: the process of identifying the parts of the brain that are involved in language began in 1861, when paul broca, a. Blink once for yes etc: could only articulate the word "tan", which they ended up calling him, picture of brain, in frontal lobe on the left side, became broca"s area, talking portion =front of brain. Studying brain injury: neurologists have come to 3 conclusions, language is largely associated with left hemisphere. Language pragmatics: ways that language is used to communicate in a variety of contexts, social aspects of communication. Language acquisition depends to a large extent of: child"s exposure to language. If you don"t hear language, you will not learn it. Strengths: all areas of input and processing as well as executive functioning, these children don"t have problems with executive functioning, thinking, processing, problems are restricted to output, speaking, social interactions, problems with emotional context.