Psychology 2061A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Civil Rights Act Of 1964, Walter Dill Scott, Critical Incident Technique

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Document Summary

Csiop: canadian society for industrial and organizational psychology. I/o focuses on both scientific research and applied professional practice. Training in i/o: undergrad in psych and training programs such as internships to acquire hr management and consultation experience. Job analysis: a way of understanding job tasks and requirements through systematic analysis (was born) Between the wars: birth of the human relations movement: selection, training, and job analysis established but employee morale, group processes, and job attitudes not yet established. Hawthorne effect: the suggestion that an intervention will have the desired effect: hawthorne electric: when they increased lighting, productivity when up, when they decreased it productivity also went up. Post wwii: booming economy means demands for labor selection, and furthermore leadership and motivation become fully enriched, passage of the civil rights act 1964 in the united states. Institute fair and nondiscriminatory hiring processes: greater attention to motivation and job satisfaction, kornhauser mental health of industrial workers (job stress)