Psychology 2070A/B Study Guide - Social Status, Misgivings, Groupthink

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Group dynamics the social psychological study of groups and group processes. Group two or more people who are interacting with one another and/or influencing one another. Instead of hard line b/w groups and nongroups, think of collections of individuals as ranging along a continuum from little/no group character to great deal of it. Social facilitation effects of the presence of other people on individual performance, which will usually be improved performance on simple tasks and impaired performance on complex tasks: ex. Norman triplett children asked to wind fishing reel alone or with other child children performed better when another child was present. Dominant response the action that is most likely to occur in a situation or on a task when the individual is alone. When task is simple/practiced (i. e. , driving a car) the dominant response will be correct/well-practiced, when task is complex/novel, the response will more likely be incorrect. Tendencies will be heightened by presence of audience.