Psychology 2070A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prefrontal Cortex, Order Of The Solar Temple, Behaviorism

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The power of social interpretation: social psychology is concerned with how people are influenced by their interpretation, or construal, of their social environment. Important differences one being the level of analysis: emphasis on the psychological processes going on in their hearts and minds, ex. Tendency to explain to others behavior as coming from an internal rather than situational factors can lead to tragic consequences including a tendency to blame victims for their plight. The power of social interpretation: behaviorism: the school of psychology maintaining that to understand human behavior, we only need to consider the reinforcing properties of the environment. Social psychology: an empirical science: hindsight bias: the tendency for people to exaggerate how much they could have predicted the outcome after knowing that it occurred. It is the chief method of cultural anthropology: advantage of using unobtrusive methods = natural, spontaneous behavior.