Psychology 2135A/B Final: CH 2135 - Final Exam Review

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We want to understand the inner workings (representations and processes) of the mind but we cannot directly observe or measure what is going on in the mind. We can only observe the input and the output. Challenge is that we only have access to overt behavior, but are interested in mental mechanisms. The black box: challenge of cognitive psychology we only have access to overt behavior, but we are interested in mental mechanisms. How breakdowns illuminate the mind intrusion errors the word anger might intrude in a task if the task is required to remember as many words as possible, which all words associate with anger. How time illuminates the mind cognitive processes take time processes can be inferred by differences in processing time across conditions. Cognitive complexity and the necessity of bias we would not have enough time or resources without heuristics. Computational complexity implies that our mind requires resources which are limited.