Psychology 2220A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Substantia Nigra, Brain Ischemia

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A tumor (neoplasm) is a mass of cells that grows independently of the rest of the body: a cancer. 20 percent of brain tumors are meningiomas- that is, encased in meninges. About 10 percent of brain tumors are metastatic; they originate elsewhere, usually the lungs. Brain tumors can cause behavioral changes and can cause pain. Tumors which are encapsulated meaning that it may be benign and not have spread. Stroke: a sudden onset cerebrovascular event that causes brain damage. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the us and the most common cause of adult disability. A stroke should be viewed as an event in which the brain has experienced a lack of oxygen to an area of the brain. Aneurysm: a weakened point in a blood vessel that makes a stroke more likely; may be congenital (present at birth) or due to poison or infection. Embolism: a plug forms elsewhere and move to the brain.