Psychology 2320A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Genetic Epidemiology, Longitudinal Study, Genetic Disorder

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Incidence new cases of a disorder over a specified time o: prevalence all cases, new and existing, over a specified time. Lifetime prevalence have they had the disorder at any point in their lives. Research on etiology in psychopathology: two broad, basic design distinction typically seen in psychopathology research, cross-sectional, longitudinal. Different children at different ages or periods of development are studied at the same point in time. Same children are studied at different ages or periods of. If iv precedes dv, causality is development supported but not established birth or when you attended college, that influences the effect on variables. Cohort effects - some kind of shared historical experience, year of. Tobacco use - smoking used to be more common, and now it is on the decrease. A lot of the time we think that the same factors that cause the epidemiology of a disorder are what causes the outcome - stress and depression: follow-back, prospective.