Psychology 2800E Study Guide - Final Guide: Moral Development, Bsc Young Boys, Radium

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Heteronomous morality (age 4-7): strict adherence to rules, obedience to authority: piaget proposed that children function on heteronomous morality. Autonomous morality (age 10+): rules are created by people and can change; consider intentions: they move to autonomous morality (age 10) people create it and they move over time. In pre school age, children are starting to develop a better understanding of their feelings and are able to feel empathy for other people. Children feel bad for other people, they can start to appreciate what they could feel if they were going through that. It might look like physical fighting but no ill will between participants. They vary on whether someone is initiating it. Behavior that is intended to cause harm to persons or objects and that is not socially justifiable: individual"s motive, context in which it occurs. Definition: individuals motive needs to be considered.