Sociology 1027A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Conflict Theories, Social Inequality, False Consciousness

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Multiple choice/ true and false (40 questions) Systematically tests common sense beliefs against facts. Examine how individuals both shape society and are shaped by society. Look at problems from a broader scale to see how society is influencing them. An approach that explains social phenomena in terms of their integrative relationships and contributions to the maintenance of society. See everything in society as serving a function. Sees cohesion as the foundation of society. Individuals engage in struggles for positional advantage. Everything relates to the struggle between the capitalist and the worker. Functionalism > some ppl are rich and some ppl are poor which makes people motivated to work more to make more money, promotes capitalism, keeps society going ahead. Conflict theory > the proletariat is taken advantage of by the bougie, there is a conflict between the competing groups, benefits in power, keeps those not in power in check.