[Sociology 2172A/B] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 94 pages long Study Guide!

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Ad fatigue (we are sick of all the ads) and ad clutter (so many ads everywhere) Louis vuitton offices put up their products instead of construction boards to cover up construction. On bumper stickers, car stickers, pens, cups, clothing, balloon, etc. On store floors, garbage cans, on food. Taxi cabs with tvs that are constantly playing ads (cid:498)the beauty of this is we can reach people when they(cid:495)re out of their homes, money(cid:495)s in their pockets and stores are still open. (cid:499) Aerial advertisement: 80% readership and 80% retention (downside very expensive, upside high retention) Yes, advertisement in the sky is very effective, but not used often human being on the surface of the earth without the aid of a telescope or other. Their visibility in the sky could have adverse effects on the general public and astronomers. Large advertisements could destroy the darkness of the night sky.