Sociology 2260A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Legal Realism, Social Change, Feminist Legal Theory

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Everyone is held equal under the law. Written body of general rules of conduct. Less advances societies may have systems based on customs or traditions. The disciplines of law and sociology are distinct. After wwii, the interest in the study of law by sociologists increased. Difficulties in interaction between the two disciplines. Interested in the functions of law and what its doing. Professional culture is very different (sociologists/criminology vs lawyers and judges) Substantive: administered by the courts: certain things are considered rights (infringement) (duty to pay taxes, as well as prohibitions (doing drugs, stealing) Procedural: what happens now that people have broken the law: how the courts operate (choice between judge and jury) Public: concerned with structure of government (concern the general public: the duties of the power of officials, criminal law and procedures. Private: both substantive and procedural rules between individuals (tort: you are suing a cooperation.