Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Disorganization Theory, Social Learning Theory, Labeling Theory

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The way that our society is organized; the social organization of society. The way institutions function in our society; family, education. People interested in social structure are interested in group crime. Laws are basically there to make sure society functions, it tells us what the proper ways for behaving are. Crime is the result of an individual"s locations within the structure of society. Crime is the end product of various social processes, especially inappropriate socialization and social learning. Crime is the product of class struggle the perspective emphasizes the nature of existing power relationships between social groups. Social structure theories they explain crime by reference to the economic and social arrangements (or structure) of society. Social structure theorists view members of socially and economically disadvantaged groups as being more likely to commit crimes, and they see economic and social disenfranchises as fundamental causes of crime.