Sociology 2266A/B Final: Final Exam Lecture notes Week 4-12; Pare

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Lecture 4: psychology, personality disorders, psychopaths, and crime. Criminals are ordinary people who make different choices. Criminals are ordinary people who face different personal/social problems. Psychological criminology focuses on the third hypothesis: first hypothesis: classical view; rational choice theory, second hypothesis: criminals are psychologically different than non- criminals, third hypothesis: Psychoanalytic theory: evolved from freud"s work, personality composed of three forces. Id: primitive biological urges; selfish gratifications (devil on shoulder) Ego: rationality & decision-making; mediator between the id and the. Superego: ethics and morality, the conscience (angel on shoulder: causal process: criminal behaviors occur when the id is more dominant than the ego and the superego in a person"s mind. Thus, the ego and superego are unable to control the aggressive, selfish instincts of the id. Criminals: id is more dominant that ego and superego. Very difficult to test empirically, because many of the underlying psychological processes are unconscious.