Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: White-Collar Crime, Cesare Lombroso, De Facto

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Document Summary

Fate: the struggle between voluntarism whereupon classical criminal law is based and determinism which implies that no one chooses to commit crime, but people are in some way forced to becoming a criminal. Nature vs. nurture: the struggle in answering the question if biological factors or environmental factors are the main cause of crime. Systematic thought with the coming of the enlightenment. Empirical research of the delinquent (according to cesare lombroso, criminality was inherited, and that someone born criminal could be identified by physical defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage). Empirical research of the environment (robert e. park) The idea that the people who react to deviance are partially a cause of crime (howard s. becker) Someone who is socially deviant - action or behaviour that violates social norms. That what is prohibited by criminal law (and that what is limited) That what is immoral/ antisocial or that what is harmful on an individual and social level.