Sociology 2266A/B Quiz: Automaticity Final

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Most of a person"s everyday life is determined not by their conscious intentions and deliberate choices but by mental processes that are put into motion by features of the environment and that operate outside of conscious awareness and guidance. This is difficult to be accepted by people. Freud (1901), for example, considered human behavior to be determined mainly by biological impulses and the unconscious interplay and battle of the psychic forces which put those impulses into motion. Early behaviorist theory (skinner, 1938) similarly proposed that behavior was outside of conscious control, but placed the source of the control in external stimulus conditions and events. Behaviour is caused by environment events with the combination of the person"s reinforcement history. A third major perspective emerged in midcentury with rogers"s (1951) self-theory and the humanist movement (kelly, 1955). Behavior was adapted to the current environment, but it was determined by an act of conscious choice.