Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cortisol, Sensation Seeking, Protective Factor

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Overall: neurobiological deficits should not be viewed as direct causes of antisocial behavior. Answers could be manipulated; however psychopaths often are not bothered by admitting their anti- social behavior. Valid concern to a certain extent but not such a big problem. Pulse oximeter - biological: heart rate measurement: Go/no-go task psychological: check on concentration and impulsivity sensitive for a properly controlled research setting need a quiet setting and if person is tired for example is quickly influenced. However based on threshold; need to make a lot of mistakes. Cortisol test biological - low cortisol risk factor; high is a protective factor. Historical, clinical, and risk management-20 sociological - hcr: historical (static, past), clinical (dynamic, present) and risk management (future): this is an example of pure psychological and social assessment. Here adding biological factors might be of use good one. Spatial working memory task: - measure of working memory; so basically measure of self-control (working memory), risk factor if low.