Statistical Sciences 1023A/B Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: American Jewish Committee, Randomized Experiment, Aspirin

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S t a t i s t i c a l s c i e n c e s 1 0 2 3 a / b. Lecture 1 - the benefits and risk of using statistics. Statistics: it is a collection of procedures and principles for gaining ad analyzing information in order to help people make decisions when faced with uncertainty. The average man is taller than the average woman - obvious. Taking aspirin helps prevent heart attacks - obvious. People are more likely to buy blue jeans in certain months than others - not. Men have lower resting pulse rates than women - not. Listening to mozart improves spatial reasoning - not. Hypothalamus plays a role in emotion, yet most people think about the heart. Psychologist lee salk studied the role of the heart in human relationships. A rhesus monkey at a zoo held her baby on the left on 40 out of 42 occasions.